The Burqa Affair Across Europe. Between Public and Private Space
Author: A. Ferrari, S. Pastorelli (eds.)
Publisher: Ashgate
Publication Place: London
Pages: 274
ISBN: 978-1-4094-7065-6
Category: n\a
In recent years, the wearing of the full-face veil or burqa/niqab has proved a controversial issue in many multi-cultural European societies. Focussing on the socio-legal and human rights angle, this volume provides a useful comparative perspective on how the issue has been dealt with across a range of European states as well as at European institutional level. In so doing, the work draws a theoretical framework for the place of religion between public and private space. With contributions from leading experts from law, sociology and politics, the book presents a comparative and interdisciplinary approach to one of the most contentious and symbolic issues of recent times.
Table of contents
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