Law & Religion in the 21st. Century - Nordic Perspectives
Author: Lisbet Christoffersen, Kjell Å Modéer, Svend Andersen (eds.)
Publisher: DJØF Forlag
Publication Place: København
Pages: 624
ISBN: 978-87-574-2368-6
Category: n\a
- How come that countries which are regarded as being among the most secularized in the world, still have national churches with more or less defined relations to the state?
- Why is a vast majority of the population still members of these churches, which are all more or less regulated by public law?
- And why then do the other religious communities present in the public sphere have their own internal legal structures?
Such puzzling - and challenging - questions are the focus of this book in which Nordic scholars from the disciplines of law, ethics, religious studies, and theology offer critical analyses of religious and secular norms influencing Nordic law. Their research analyzes the historical roots and the current status of relations between religious and secular norms and the law, and they point to possible new routes to offer in this relation in the 21st Century.
This book not only demonstrates where and to what extent the Nordic models need adjustment with inspiration from Europeanized or globalized perspectives. A central conclusion is that the Nordic models themselves can be used for adjustment of other legal and religious systems. The Nordic idea of public religions combined with the secularity of law might be worth reflecting on also outside these countries.
With this rich publication an old scientific field is reopened within Nordic research in new contexts and with new theories and methods. The book explains why studies in Law & Religion have been undermined throughout modernity.
Table of contentsAcknowledgements
An Innovative Nordic Discourse.
From Church and State to Law & Religion
Lisbet Christoffersen, Kjell Å Modéer and Svend Andersen
Introduction to European Church and State Discourses
Silvio Ferrari, University of Milan
Introduction to American Law and Religion Discourse
John Witte, Jr., Emory Law School
Internal Convergence - External Divergence.
Religion in Nordic Legal Culture and Tradition at the Threshold of the Third Millenium
Kjell Å Modéer, Lund University
Part one. Law and Religion
The Long Way towards Traditional Autonomy
- The Swedish Church and the Law 1968-2008
Kjell Å Modéer, Lund University
Finland's Policy on Church and Religion
Juha Seppo, University of Helsinki
A Case Study of the Evolution of a Nordic Lutheran Majority Church
Hjalti Hugason, University of Iceland
And They Lived Happily Together?
On the Relationship between Confessionalism, Establishment and Secularism under the Constitution of Norway
Eivind Smith, University of Oslo
State, Church and Religion in Denmark.
At the Beginning of the 21st Century
Lisbet Christoffersen, University of Copenaghen & University of Roskilde
Part two. Late Modern Challenges
A Remoralized and Resacralized Society
- a Late Modern Challenge to Law and Religion
Tage Kurtén, Åbo Akademi University
On Law, Language and Human Embeddedness
Pamela Slotte, University of Helsinki
The Tenacity of Identity Politics in Norway.
From Unabashed Lutheran Monopoly to Pseudo-Lutheran Semi-Hegemony?
Tore Lindholm, University of Oslo
A Little Church, a Little State, and a Little Commonwealth at Onces.
Towards a Nordic Model of Religious Instruction in Public Schools?
Pamela Slotte, University of Helsinki
Promoting Normative Cracks in the Surface.
Strasbourg Changing Swedish Legal Culture
Nina Louisa Arold, University of Lund
Secularism - A Quest for Privatization of Religion?
Ingvill Thorson Plesner, University of Oslo
Beyond National Majority/Minority Dichotomies.
Towards Legal Traditions & Religions of World Society
- A Local Example
Hanne Petersen, University of Copenhagen
Messianism and the State of Exception
- the political theology of Giorgio Agamben in a nordic context
Ida Auken, Member of the Danish Parliament, Socialist People's Party
How Long is "Now"?
The Christian Eschatological Concept of Time within International Laws of, in, and after War: A Critique of Law and our Nordic Societies
Matilda Arvidsson, University of Lund
Part Three. Challenges from Particular Normative Traditions
Law in Nordic Lutheranism
Svend Andersen, University of Aarhus
Lutheran Natural Law. Thought in the Nordic Countries in the 21st century
Ulrik Becker Nissen, University of Aarhus
Law, Religion and Ethics in Christian Hymns
- A Swedish Example
Sven- Åke Selander, University of Lund
Presence and Mission.
The Social-Ethical Engagement of the Catholic Church Within the Nordic Context 1970-2006
Bernt Oftestad, Norwegian School of Theology
Jewish Perspectives on Law and Religion.
In the Nordic Countries in the 21st Century
Hanne Trautner-Kromann, University of Lund
Islam & Law in the Nordic Countries in the 21st Century. Challenges and New Perspectives
Rubya Mehdi and Jørgen S. Nielsen, University of Copenhagen
Feminism and the Challenge to Religious Truths on Marriage.
The Case of Nordic Protestantism
Anu Pylkkänen, University of Helsinki
Secular Human Rights Perspectives.
As a Challenge to Nordic Law & Religion Solutions
Martin Scheinin, Åbo Akademi University & European University Institute, Florence
Part four. A Defining Challenge?
Church Autonomy in Nordic Law
Lisbet Christoffersen, University of Copenhagen & University of Roskilde
Nordic Law in Changed Religious Landscapes
Lisbet Christoffersen, Kjell Å Modéer and Svend Andersen